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this site is an attempt to re-dress current relations between natives & non-natives by re-examining the intent, issue and details of the canadian government's 'certificate of indian status' which is more commonly known as 'treaty card' in mainly the plains on the landbase now called canada.when the treaties were signed it was between a chief on behalf of the people and a representative of the queen on behalf of her people. since the treaties were made between at least two parties, then both should have a card. today 'treaty indians' are the only holders of the card which is commonly known to be a carry-over from the reserve pass system whereby indian people living on reserves were not allowed to leave (to hunt & gather, visit relatives or carry out business) unless the indian agent who also controlled food rations would issue this pass. perhaps this is why the card is a canadian government issue and doesn't acknowledge the original treaty agreement as much as it still attempts to control the identity & movement of the card holder by branding all "... is an indian within the meaning of the indian act, chapter 27, statutes of canada..." and has efficiently trained card holders to present as a regular part of daily interaction (and sadly even used to boast as some elevated form of government certification).
- for current holders: this version will enable you to now provide more relevant information as it pertains to your landbase (ie. original names in your language, & hopefully a more flattering photo of yourself)
- for metis, non-status: this version allows you to finally have your own personal facsimile of the gov't issue (if you've been feeling left out of the club). If you are part of a 'surrendered' band and/or are under re-entitledment this can be added in the place of origin/birth field.
- for non-natives: never let the words "i wish I had a treaty card" pass your lips again - sign up today (refer to use)